Thursday, June 16, 2011


I will post about our labor and delivery experience soon..but, I HAD to write this story down before the details got foggy on me.

This morning, a lady walked into our room (Scott was picking up our pooches, so wasn't around) and introduced herself. She is the nurse supervisor at Swedes...I thought she was just going to ask about my experience, so I waited for her to start.

"This is going to sound really strange..."

ok, good opener Ms. Supervisor...Could have been a little stronger, but hey....Im not the boss.

But, it got better, and less weird pretty quickly.

She asked if I sang at Heartland...she just wanted to be sure before she kept talking to me... I confirmed and this is what she told me (I am obviously paraphrasing because, well, I didn't have time to find a recording device of some sort, although now I am considering keeping one in my purse):

She said that four years ago, she started going to Heartland but before then, she grew up she was new to Christianity...something that she didn't really understand was hearing God's voice..and it was something that she never experienced.

Then, two years ago, she saw a video that I did at Heartland sharing our story...and this is what God clearly told her while she watched the video:

That girl will have a baby and she will deliver at your hospital and you will be working that day to tell her this when she has her baby.

She didn't know my last name...if I would even go to Swedes or when the heck we would or if we would even try for another baby. But, she said that she found out my first name and for the last two years, whenever a Stephanie has come in and delivered, she would check to see if it was me.

Finally, three weeks ago, when I stayed overnight, she saw my name...and saw me...found out what my last name was and knew that this little whisper that God gave her two years ago was about to happen...

So, yesterday. Two years after hearing God's voice and wondering if what she heard was really Him....He confirmed to HER that He does speak directly to us. A 2 year faith journey where he used our story but didn't even involve us in the details because this part of our story was not for us, but for HER. Think about that for a second. It. Is. So. Incredible.

We both cried. I jokingly asked her why the heck she waited to tell me this information. But, I get it. God used little Emara in a way that is so indirect to build someone's faith in Him and bring glory to Him.

The more I think about what happened in that conversation, the more filled with gratitude I am and the more amazed I am at the complexity of our stories intertwined and the simplicity of God's goodness.

More to come I said, I just HAD to write that down.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Updates and More Updates...

Well dear friends and seems that this little girl is a lot like her daddy. And by daddy, I mean her mommy.

At 33 weeks, I went into what is called Pre-Term Labor...basically, I went into labor too early. So, after an overnight at the hospital, some medication and a strict order to bedrest...the labor was slowed down significantly, which was the goal.

Last Thursday, at 36 weeks, went in for my normal bi-weekly appt and my Dr. announced that things were moving along and this baby was on her way! So, he told me to go home and get my stuff together and meet him at the hospital at 5pm! Scott immediately went into crazy jittery mode and just started walking quickly around the house with no direction. It was really adorable actually. And at 4:30pm. Off we went!

Long story short.. Once we got to the hospital, things weren't moving very fast...which for any other pregnancy, the doctor would just induce or break my water or do anything else that would push along the labor...but, I'm only 36 weeks. And the risks outweigh the benefit of having a 36 weeks old baby, so my doctor will not do anything to help me progress in labor.

(SIDE NOTE: THIS is the MIRACLE of my strong baby Jane. Factor V babies are known to be safer outside of the womb than entire pregnancy, I have been told that I will have this baby very early...because of blood clots, etc...basically, she would need to come out because my body probably wouldn't be doing its job...but, this has not been the, what an amazing and strange change of mind that they now want to keep her in because she and I are doing so well!)

Friday morning...went back in. Still progressing...but too slow to go back to the hospital for now. So, off to home I go to keep laboring. Go back Monday morning. And if things are moving along...back to the hospital! If things are slow, then back home I go. It's all day to day. My contractions havent slowed down...but, because I am not full-term, my Dr is having me stay on the natural path, which I am actually really happy about.

So, sweet baby Jane. 18 Days of contractions. And you are worth EVERY SINGLE ONE. And your mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you, but when you are at your healthiest. So, if that is tomorrow, wonderful. If it is two weeks from now, wonderful.

And that is that folks. I think she heard us talking about her entrance into the world and she said, "I do not follow your rules, people." Like I said, just like her daddy...and by daddy...well, you know who we are talking about :)