Monday, October 3, 2011

Without Borders

With our adoption process in full swing now, I am going to consolidate all of my online writings to one blog from now on..

I will keep this one open and more than likely come back to it after we have completed the adoption...

Don't you worry one bit though...There will still be the usual Steph writings, but we will also be documenting our journey to adoption too...and since adopting a child requires more paperwork than buying a house, car, life insurance policy and Magic Waters pass combined, there is no way I will be able to keep up with two blogs.

By the way, I put the butter in the pantry last night and found it this morning while I was making my lunch. Nice.

So, join me over at and sign up to follow that bloggity blog.

Oh, and excuse the mess of it...My little brother, Neil is helping me make it look kind of awesome... but we are both going a little crazy, so we are changing it almost daily. It will look fancy at some point.

But, come have a girl from Beloit trying to make something fancy. That's like telling Milli Vanilli to serenade you...with no accompaniment tape.

Not. Gonna. Happen.    (just in case you forgot)

Peace out party peoples.