Friday, June 11, 2010


I am FINALLY pre-babies weight.

Wait. What?

Let me give you my chubby tubby timeline, as I like to call it..well, I like to call it that now because I have never given it a name until just this second. And let's be honest, it could be better.

May, 08 - ran first half marathon. body = awesome (in my book...again, all up for debate here)
May, 08 - leave for baby makin' cruise. and it worked. the baby was made.
July, 08 - lost our little one. spent the week at home. people brought food.

*time out*

When I say "people brought food", I mean, for ONE meal...we would get an appetizer... bread... entree...dessert...drinks... and sometimes even more. (insert many dang gina's)
I will not embellish each time, but I need to make you aware of this: EVERYTHING was in the comfort food genre and EVERYTHING was portioned for at least four people.

And. I. Ate. Pretty. Much. All. Of. It. I mean, I would leave a brownie for Scott. Sometimes.

*time in*

September 08 - time to get back in the saddle. literally. baby makin' time again. And yes, Scott eggoed my...preggo.. wait, that can't be right... He leggoed my eggo? What is that saying?!? I got pregnant. Man, I thought I could have said that way cooler.

November 18, 08 - lost our second little one. (now it's time to insert's ok. we started to)
Spent another week at home. PEOPLE BROUGHT FOOD. And Thanksgiving began.

-Now this is where it gets tricky. Not only was I so angry with my body and felt so much guilt for what my body was doing that I felt the need to destroy it. I also didn't want to talk to a single person. And with the holidays all around me, what better way to avoid conversation than to always have food in my mouth. And naughty naughty food. Because, hey, if my body isn't going to do me any favors, why should I do it any.

I honestly thought that. Self-destruction at its worst. or actually, at its best.

December, 08 - Find out I have a blood disease. Just another confirmation that it is my fault. So, what to do? Besides cry and fight off the urge to sleep all day. Eat, drink and smoke cigarettes. I was seriously having a serious fight with my body. I was like a bully. I just wanted to see it hurt. so sad to look back on. But, my heart was very broken. And sometimes, you break things when you are broken.

Jan, 09 - Realized I had been depressed and just kind of snapped out of it. It was literally like a snap. And all I thought was, "What have I been doing to myself?" But, 20 pounds and a sad liver and black lung later, the damage had been done.

Feb, 09 - I was on a mission to be healthy. So, ran a 10k. Cut the crappy crap and moved forward.

March, 09 - Got pregnant. Started 14 medications including daily shots to the tummy, a strict diet and daily one hour walks and weekly dr. appointments.

June 14, 2009 - Lost our 3rd baby. Found out he was a boy. Named him Will.
You know where I'm going with the whole people bringing food thing...and the emotional eating thing...

June - September 09 - Spent entire summer not talking about it. (the absolutely healthiest thing to do, if you don't mind me lying)

Nov - Dec, 09 - Went on a working out warpath. Who knew how much time I had before the doctor would tell me I wasn't allowed to again (I skipped that...everytime I was pregnant, thought about getting pregnant or for 4 weeks after I had a miscarriage, I wasn't allowed to work out because of the whole blood disease thing)

January, Feb, March, April and May, 10 - Tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant. really? 3 times pregnant on the first go. And now? Notta single hit. Not one swimmer made it to the mothership. so strange. and a WHOLE new set of emotions to deal with. I lost my babies...I wasn't supposed to also have the big "I" stamped across my belly. Infertility was not supposed to be a part of our story too.

May, 10 - Decide it is time. Time to stop. As you can see in a very condensed version, the past two years have been all consuming with baby. And body. And hormones. And doctor appointments. And medical bills. And grieving. And researching. And eating. And tears. And shots. And misplaced anger. And deep deep deep sadness. And more doctor's appointments.

It's time to take a break and take a breath. And explore other options. I refuse to throw my hands up and give up on family. But, I have reached my limit on what my body can handle. It was like it was screaming at me, "I NEED CONSTISTENCY...please" So, I have given in.


You might laugh and say, wrote all of that to tell us you have lost a few pounds?

All of this weight I have added, I can pinpoint. It's like the credit card debt that never goes away..."it was that one doctor's appointment...remember when the car needed to be books...that one dinner we had to pay for..."

Those three pounds? Baby number 2. Thanksgiving to Christmas, 08? 7 pounds. Baby number 3? Lost 6 then gained 9. Medication? 6. Every pound had a name. And I am sick of those names.

I want the good memories of these past two years. I want to look at Scott's tattoo and think of our little ones. I dont want to look at my flabby stomach and think of what used to be in there. I want to think about the laughter that occurred when we told our family we were pregnant for the first time. Not the silence that came with sitting on my couch with a tub of ice cream, spoon and glazed over eyes.

So, partly, this has been serious closure for me. Maybe that is why I have been working so dang hard at it. And partly, any mom would understand this...I want them to be proud of me. I don't want to look back and say that this was the point in my life where everything went downhill. I want them to be proud of the decisions that I made and who I chose to be.

So there. Momentous Occasion #1. Here is to many, many more.


Erica said...

you inspire me, steph. really you do :)

Anonymous said...

i totally get what you're saying...about so much of this. you are an inspiration. and i have tears in my eyes reading/writing this. you are someone i look up to and i just want you to know i'm thinking of you. thanks for sharing. (ps i'm glad my baby has awesome friends to play with up in heaven. you are a wonderful and beautiful momma)

ernp06 said...

steph, i have tears in my eyes reading your blog, too. my brother died unexplainably at 18 months- and every year on the anniversaries of his birth and death, my parents and i wonder WHY, God? thankfully, God is good and is full of grace for us. please know i'm thinking about and praying for you and Scott today...

Krista said...

There is a bond that women who have lost babies wish they never had with other women. One of those things that you would never wish on your worst enemy...

We don't know each other that well--honestly, when Marc was at RMC I was working so much I barely got to talk to anyone. But I just want you to know that I truly have felt what you are going through...the losses, the weight gain, the blood disorders.

Many women who have never gone through a loss feel like "well, you have a baby, so what's your problem?" The truth is, the gift of a little one does not erase the losses that were, the babies and souls that ARE alive with Him. Each day I process my losses in a new way and learn to rely more on Christ.

Didn't mean to write a book, but I wanted to say thanks for your honesty. I know it's hard to talk about because after awhile people get tired of listening. Just know, we are never tired of listening...

cory williams said...

Reading this post was for me a momentous occasion. Thank you for how real and raw you are. Thank you for sharing your momentous occasions and inspiring the rest of us to have some too. Steph you are rad. Much love.