Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday's Confessional.

19 Drafts.

I write on here a whole heck of a lot more than what it may seem to you. I just get bored mid-writing and decide to go back to whatever I was doing before...you know, something more important like taking my socks off. or attempting to cross my legs without losing my balance. yes. I am a worldchanger.

I have always toyed with the idea of creating a secret blog. One that is only for women. Where we can talk about all things ladylike without the boys in our lives finding out the real truth about us. And it would be password protected. And it would be awesome. For instance, I have questions. And you woman have some answers. And I may just never hear them because I can't ask how you all handle a booby itch in public on this post. And, well, now that I am pregnant...there are certain things that I can no longer take part in...or even see for that matter... and I just want to KNOW.

But, public post. No password protection.

So, I will stick to gender neutral topics. Like recipes and crafts and love. You know, the usual.

I have decided to start a Tuesday's Confessional. I am going to start telling you all (and by you, I mean my 8 trusty followers...thank you momS, Calley, Hannah, Elissa, Becca, Leah and Scott) my secrets and...well, confessions.

Confession #1 - I am incredibly embarrassed and aware of the fact that I breathe VERY loudly when I sleep. I swear on my mother's bean burritos that I have a deviated septum. I can't get a full breath in EVER through my nose...forcing me to have to breathe very intently in order to sleep at night and not wake up with a sore throat from breathing through my mouth.

But, here is my confession. Sometimes, when I know that Scott is still awake in bed...I roll away from him and take my fingers and hold open my nostrils so I can actually breathe without sounding like a rushing wave is coursing through my nose. And I do this until I think he is asleep...

Or at least until he stops asking me if I still have any breathe right strips left...


Hannah Lesley said...

Deviated Septum:) Now THAT'S funny.

StephZibell said...

ITS TRUE HANNAH! I PROMISE! I am just too chicken to have it confirmed and be forced to have the surgery where they pack your nose with 20 feet of gauze.

ernp06 said...

hahahahahaha.... i can totally picture you holding open your nostrils. this is awesome. i think i have one, too... :( don't worry, steph- you're not the only one. John breathes SUPER loud in his sleep. thru his nose. but i just think he has a too-small nose for his lung capacity. ha!

ernp06 said...

oh- and i love secret blog idea.

Goeb Life said...

Have you ever seen Mad House? haha! Hey, I follow your blog! ;)