Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Freaking Out.

1) We have decided for sure for sure for sure that we are adopting from Ethiopia!!!!!!!

2) We have been freaking about the cost of it (approx. $30,000 total) but not freaking out too bad because we knew that if God put the desire to adopt in our hearts, He would provide a way.

3) Random and amazing friend came to us a month ago and said the following (warning: you might pee your pants)
"I want to help raise the money for your adoption"


5) This random and amazing friend, Chris, is doing just that....and it is incredible to see God beginning to provide a way to bring our little one home to us.

6) Why am I posting? Because it is ALL that I can think about.. all day.. and night.. well, actually that is a lie, because at night I am either sleeping or trying really hard to remember the ridiculous thing that Scott said or did in his sleep (yes, he is one of those...and it is hilarious)

That is all. If you want to be a part of bringing the first baby Zibell home, just message me your email or comment it on here and I can send you what Chris sent out.

We are getting so close to this thing actually happening, I can almost feel it!


Interior arts said...

WOW! So excited for you Stephy you have me in tears. Can we throw a Partay or babyshower? this is amazing news.

Jamie Cascio said...